Lucienne Sabel (She/Her)
Teaching crew

Lucienne identifies as a woman, a writer, a maker, a teacher, a knowledge seeker, a lover of life, a creature of nature and an all-round creative being. She has completed two YTT’s and is currently undertaking her third training that informs the way she teaches and practices. Her experiences lie in Jivamukti training, Restorative yoga, and most recently; Kundalini yoga. Lucienne has undergone mentoring with fellow teacher Mischa Muse and has helped define her personal voice, teaching style and yogic lens. ‘My biggest teacher is life and my own journey and the way my practice has held me through my process of healing, and what I offer to my students is through my own understanding and experience first’. 

Kundalini yoga, intuition and mother nature are Lucienne’s inspiration and guide. Her classes are often inspired by the moon’s happenings, the seasons, as well as feeling into the energies ‘of whatever moment in time we find ourselves in’. She is currently influenced by the Vayus and its relevance to sequencing in Yoga. 

Lucienne facilitates Yoga simply; because it heals.