Matilda Moore

Matilda identifies as a student of life! Curious and passionate, she is a yoga teacher, psychology student, mindful mover and a natural leader with a thirst for knowledge and new experiences.

Having lived in and travelled to various destinations rich in yogic culture, Matilda has trained with some of the world’s most influential modern yoga teachers. Completing her initial 200hr YTT with Noelle Connolly in Sydney, she went on to complete 150 Advanced hours with Joan Hyman in India; before undergoing intensive training with Annie Carpenter and Simon Park in Europe.

What inspires Matilda’s teaching style? A diverse range of insightful figures, movement modalities and life experiences have inspired her approach. She is dedicated to supporting students to cultivate a deeply-rooted yet playful yoga practise that evokes tangible shifts beyond the studio environment.

In her own words, Matilda teaches yoga because;

“We’re all walking our distinctive paths home, I facilitate yoga so that we can all do this together”