Jess Steedman (She/Her/Hers)
Teaching Crew

Jess is drawn to healing practices that connect us to our own inner wisdom and spirit; practices that allow us to become more present, grounded and embodied in our everyday lives.

Having recently returned from India, Jess studied with Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram and Bihar Yoga. She is currently training with Karina Guthrie (furthering her studies in hatha, tantra and philosophy) - and has previously completed training with The Practice Bali, Trauma Sensitive Yoga (TCTSY), Krishna Village. Jess is also a long time Vedic meditator!

Her classes are informed by Hatha yoga and Sri Vidya Tantra. Centred around the breath, body awareness and energetics, they move slowly with a focus on intention and presence; allowing space for stillness and inner listening. When teaching, Jess intends to hold a quiet, calm space where students can move deeply inward, attuning to the more subtle elements of the practice (and themselves).