Mellow Hum

Our Mellow Hum is a low energy offering intended for relaxation, restoration or stretching.

Deep opening and gentle movement is what can be expected from this class.Postures are typically seated or lying down. Yin style classes can mean postures are held for 3-5 minutes at a time. These slow paced classes allow space for cultivating awareness.

Mellow Hum is ideal for students requiring a calming and restorative environment; or for students new to the yoga experience.

No prior yoga experience required.

Unified Hum

Our Unified Hum class includes moderate paced flows to entry-level strength content.

These classes typically offer more modifications and detailed instructions on fundamental postures. Students can expect to feel comfortably challenged. We welcome beginners to more seasoned practitioners who prefer a steady paced and fluid practice. Ideal for beginners who seek further challenge; it is common to introduce postures or experiences in a workshop style. Prior to taking your first Unified Hum, we encourage beginners to take at least one Foundation Hum class.

Some prior experience required.


Our Dynamic Hum class includes flow and strength content designed to challenge your current limitations physically and mentally.

These classes tend to focus on building into more challenging asana and ‘peak’ poses. You will build strength and body awareness by exploring more complex transitions, moving faster with the breath; and being introduced to inversions and arm balances.

These classes are catered to Intermediate-Advanced practitioners. Teachers are encouraged to observe the energy levels and capacities of the class as a whole. We recommend that students feel competent in a Unified Hum class prior to attending a Dynamic Hum.

These classes are intended for high energy and high sweat results.


Our Foundation Hum classes are designed for beginners to start their journey or for any student who wants to review the foundations of their practice.

Classes will focus on guiding you through key asana (postures), alignment, yogic philosophy and pranayama (breath techniques). Students new to yoga are encouraged to begin their experience here.

These classes are paced with the needs of entry- level students in mind. You can expect breakdowns of postures and explanations to accompany movement. Ideal for students with limitations requiring a slower and more gentle practice.

No prior yoga experience required.

An homage to self clarity and stillness, our Meditation Hum offers guided mindfulness that restores even the busiest minds. True to our ethos each class will incorporate one meditation or mindfulness technique in the presence of our resonant Hum. Combined, you can expect the end result to be one of calm and focus.

Perfect for all ranges of ability; these have been designed to meet you without expectation.

No prior yoga experience required.

meditation HUM