Tara D'cruz-Noble (She/Her)
Teaching Crew

Tara identifies as a photographer and yoga teacher.

Her family lines are from the UK and India, and she is currently based in Sydney. She is innately drawn to the teachings of T.K.V. Desikachar who developed wisdom from his father T. Krishnamacharya. ‘I like how Desikachar described yoga as a relationship’. Tara has studied with teachers sharing Desikachar's approach in India, Australia and Canada within both Hatha and Yin Yoga.

Her influences in class rely on philosophy such as the Yamas & Niyamas (as a roadmap for life), Ayurveda as the sister science to yoga, functional yoga in place of aesthetic based yoga, scientific knowledge such as understanding bone morphology and the uniqueness of our inner shape. Qigong, TCM and meridian theories also inform her teaching approach.

Tara facilitates the practice in order to ‘share yoga to support our human experience through the changing flow of life’.